Six of Crows//Crooked Kingdom-A Double Book Review (…’cause why not?)

Oh well, I guess it will be easier to write down my thoughts down for the TWO books otherwise my brain will be scattered all over the place. Oh and probably because I am too lazy to write separate reviews…*fakes a yawn*. *actually yawns*

Oh well, this might be a long post and instead of reading all the blurbs you can just skip them all and start reading after the ratings.

  • Title: Six of Crows
  • Series: Six of Crows #1
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: September 29th 2015 by Henry Holt & Company
Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Source: Goodreads

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager

A runaway with a privileged past

A spy known as the Wraith

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

[From Goodreads]


But the part where I write my thoughts about those two books are totally spoiler-free. *rolls eyes* Just scroll down. It is found under the rating I give the two books.

  • Title: Crooked Kingdom
  • Series: Six of Crows #2
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: September 27th 2016 by Orion Children’s Book
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)
Source: Goodreads

Welcome to the world of the Grisha.

Kaz Brekker and his crew of deadly outcasts have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn’t think they’d survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they’re right back to fighting for their lives.

Double-crossed and badly weakened, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz’s cunning and test the team’s fragile loyalties.

A war will be waged on the city’s dark and twisting streets – a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.

[From Goodreads]

About the Author:

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of fantasy novels and the creator of the Grishaverse (now a Netflix original series) which spans the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology, the King of Scars Duology, and The Language of Thorns—with more to come. Her short stories can be found in multiple anthologies, including the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. Her other works include Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Ninth House (Goodreads Choice Winner for Best Fantasy 2019) which is being developed for television by Amazon Studios. She lives in Los Angeles. For information on new releases and appearances, sign up for her newsletter.

She would be delighted if you visited her at and fairly giddy if you liked her selfies on Instagram.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]


My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.


My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:


Okay, since my mind needs sorting we will make things a little organized here. *huffs*

Kaz Brekker

I think Leigh Bardugo did a great job developing him. He had a unique “greyish” personality and I absolutely love it when the hero is a little grey; like he was neither a totally good person, but not a bad person. I guess it was definitely right introducing him as a criminal mastermind otherwise I would have asked myself how on Earth does he have the brains??To think of that up?? Like who does?? Though I wish I had his gift of lockpicking…

He is so different, internally and externally. Everybody sees him as this cold-hearted criminal mastermind but in the inside, he is just a boy who has a hard past and just trying to survive in a world of corruption and greed AND monsters like Pekka. I think the great challenge in this book was portraying him as this person who never believes he is wrong, full of calculated strategies and quite proud but also portraying him as this person who never believes he is worthy enough to deserve good things in life.

“How do you get your information, Mister Brekker?”
“You might say I’m a lockpick.”
“You must be a very gifted one.”
“I am indeed.” Kaz leaned back slightly. “You see, every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now, there are those who take the brute’s way, but I prefer a gentler approach—the right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It’s a delicate thing.
“Do you always speak in metaphors, Mister Brekker?”
Kaz smiled. “It’s not a metaphor.”

Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Inej Ghafa

I tell you something…that girl has got a heart of gold…I absolutely love this young lady. I find her personality amazing. She is just ‘living’ proof that you don’t have to enjoy killing and have the ‘bad girl’ portray in order to be badass (thank you Miss Leigh for giving us characters like The Crows…). The way she believes in herself and how she cares for the others as well. She is so brave and her faith in people and her religion is extraordinary. I wish I knew more about her backstory…but other than that…well…I just find the way she believes that there is always good in people no matter how stained or bloodied they are…just…it just makes her so real. I just find her belief that there is some good left in Kaz really amazing. When you don’t believe in yourself, it is nice to have someone believe in you. Very valuable investment that girl is…Kaz should just be proud of her.

“Speak, she begged silently. Give me a reason to stay. For all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. She wanted to believe he was worth saving, too.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Jesper Fahey


Oh well…I just love Jesper. His sarcastic comments, the way he talked with Wylan, the times he made me laugh and smile in the books…got to admit he is a real softie…He is just totally chaotic to the last degree. He is that sort of person who would do any sort of favours for those he cares for. If Inej was in some kind of trouble, he’d be here. Kaz? Wylan? Nina? Matthias? He would be here for them all. That show-off…him and his flashy guns…he is totally UNRELIABLE and reliable. You know what Jesper, I really love you and all but you’ve got to stop all of those silly detours to gamble your money away. But you could try gambling your talent for showing off here and there because I assure you, it’s just some useless thing but I like my characters a little galant so keep them. Though I’ve got to admit your flirting skills with cute boys are excellent.😏

“Take good care of my babies,” Jesper said as he handed them over to Dirix. “If I see a single scratch or nick on those, I’ll spell forgive me on your chest in bullet holes.”

Leigh Bardugo

Wylan Van Eck

Wylan was the quiet and shy one but I loved his personality. He is the runaway with a privileged past. Abandoned by his father, Jan Van Eck because he couldn’t read and barely escaped being assassinated by his father’s men. The other five wouldn’t have completed there mission with less difficulty if Wylan hadn’t been there. He was the one with a great knowledge in bombs and created them and thus ensured successful diversions. He was this shy person, who rarely talked unless needed, which was very different from the picture Jesper, Matthias or Kaz even showed. He wasn’t the one who would just kill another person in order to get his way.

That quote below just…it just made me realize that I have never had friends that I loved like he loved Matthias, Jesper, Kaz, Inej and Nina. Or maybe that is because I have a much more personal attachment with fictional characters that actual people. And it isn’t something that I’m proud of.

“Until this moment, Wylan hadn’t quite understood how much they meant to him. His father would have sneered at these thugs and thieves, a disgraced soldier, a gambler who couldn’t keep out of the red. But they were his first friends, his only friends, and Wylan knew that even if he’d had his pick of a thousand companions, these would have been the people he chose.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom

Nina Zenik

Nina, a powerful Grisha Heartrender who uses her POWERS to survive in Ketterdam.

One thing I really love about Nina’s personality is how flirty and feminine she is and how she would kill to save Inej or the others. Leigh Bardugo managed to make her a total badass without taking away her feminine side and strong emotions which I just totally respect. She was extremely loyal and despite her squabbling with Matthias here, she was portrayed as someone who was strong and brave and would flirt her way into getting what she wanted. She was that one woman, everyone would want to meet. I don’t know exactly what to write about her but she just blew me away and I am still not sure for what reason.


Stay,” she panted. Tears leaked from her eyes. “Stay till the end.”
“And after,” he said. “And always.”
“I want to feel safe again. I want to go home to Ravka.”
“Then I’ll take you there. We’ll set fire to raisins or whatever you heathens do for fun.”
“Zealot,” she said weakly.
“Nina,” he whispered, “little red bird. Don’t go.”

― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Matthias Helvar

He is that grumpy and grouchy person, I just couldn’t bring myself to dislike…having a characters who just hates everyone and everything and has the brain the size of an oversized pea is actually really refreshing. I don’t know how though…

Other than that, I really did think that the conflict in his mind between his loyalty to his native country and Nina really interesting. As a witch hunter himself, and actually having feelings for a person who is a witch…I just find it extremely interesting how he copes with that conflict. He has his own morals of his own but of course…love ends up wrecking people to the last degree anyway and sometimes it is for the better.

I absolutely adored the love-hate relationship between Nina and Matthias. It wasn’t useless. It made perfect sense and I enjoyed it along the way. I just after finishing the series did I realize how much Matthias grew up on me. I am literally at a lost for words at what to say right now. I am just feeling choked by the need to read all of Leigh Bardugo’s books over again.

Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. “Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”
Brekker’s lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”
“My ghost won’t associate with your ghost,” Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.

― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Other than the characters, the little Ketterdam world-building was perfect. Leigh Bardugo did a great job, not only describing Ketterdam but also making me feel like I was there. The descriptions were extremely rich, I could literally imagine the city right there in my mind. And it wasn’t only the way the city looked that she described. She didn’t miss out anything in description. I am just head-over-heads over books that are absolutely atmospheric and actually feel real.

The plot was hands down just breathtaking. I love the way Leigh Bardugo unveiled it all to me as a reader and it wasn’t just all put down at one moment. It was slow, you have this part, then you discover another. It actually kept me really hooked into the books. I am just absolutely in love with the fact that they are actually doing the job because of the money NOT because their main concern is saving the world.😂 The plot was really rich and actually mostly character driven. I loved how harshly the consequences would have been if something about the characters’ actions would have been different.

I also really appreciate the amazing diversity in the characters in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. You have Kaz, dark haired and eyes(is he Kerch?), Inej, a brown skinned Suli girl, Nina, brown haired and green eyed native Ravkan, Jesper, brown skinned and grey eyed Zemeni, Matthias, a pale blond and blue eyed Fjerdan witch hunter and Wylan, golden haired and blue eyed. I think he is Kerch. Especially the fact that they weren’t whitewashed or given the whatever ideal body type is.

Do we have to talk some more about the characters? Yes. Well, I just dreadfully loved the way they didn’t fit together but did fit together.😂

Oh and we forgot the writing style. I don’t exactly know how to explain this but to me, it was the sort of book I would read, not only for the story and the characters, but also for the simple pleasure of appreciating the writing. I loved the quotes and the way they ran so deep. Sometimes, I just caught myself staring at the words on my phones and just reading them over and over again. The fact that Bardugo wrote each of the characters’ POV in the 3rd person was a really great idea. It made me see the book not through the characters eyes, but WITH the characters next to me. If that even makes sense.

Okay, this is probably the longest review I have ever written…but just suffer a little more and then I’ll be done.😃

Last thing, I’ll read this again next year…that book is definitely worth a read though I don’t think it might just please everyone because of the pace which is quite slow. It is worth it though.

It is really not necessary to read the Shadow and Bone trilogy before this duology but I think you should read the trilogy first. It helps you understand the world more, despite not being set in Ketterdam.

Sorry for making you suffer through such a long post,


Wrap Up #November2021

Oh, why does it feel like Christmas is coming way too fast. The thing I am worried about is that it will be 2022 already. I am in need of a time-turner….no, I need time travel powers…*cries*

Total number of books read: 4 (in which 2 are rereads)

The One Plus One by Jojo Moyes (Contemporary) (reread)

The One Plus One
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4.3/5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Like…this book is so heartwarming. It made me cry, it made me laugh. There are just so many emotions packed up in this book…that is all I can say but it’s beautiful.

The Talisman by Stephen King (Fantasy) (reread)

The Talisman (The Talisman, #1)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4.5/5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

The concept of other-worlds should be taken more often in fantasy books nowadays…I need books like this…

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo (Fantasy)

King of Scars (King of Scars, #1)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

How the heck does Leigh Bardugo create masterpieces such as this? And after my huge breakdown after Ruin and Rising, I was pretty much hugging the imaginary book…

This is amazing…literally…and there are demons in this book…*cries*


Brain: Shut up now…..

Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo (Fantasy)

Rule of Wolves (King of Scars, #2)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The ending however. I never thought Leigh Bardugo was capable off such…um…kindness. I thought she wanted us to suffer? It is still suspicious though…I don’t trust her on the next book ending she will write. Surely it will be a heartbreaking one…if it isn’t then…something is wrong.

I still cannot believe we got a few Six of Crows characters and Shadow and Bone characters in this book…but Inej and I have to discuss her life choices over a cup of strong black coffee…

Other Posts:

  • My previous Wrap-Up for October here
  • My interview with Inky here
  • My review of Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
  • A post where I shared 13 random facts about me because I should do something special about my b-day but mainly because I was bored

What I Plan To Read Next:

I was thinking about You Can Go Your Own Way by Eric Smith…

Life Update:

  • Well, I (I put it up I mean) changed the curtains in my room (the thin one). It was a pale green that matched the other curtain (an emerald-olive green that blocks the light). Now, it is a pale golden. Green and golden…what a great combination! I mean, I like it but not love it…
  • Well, it was my birthday on the 5th of November.
  • Covid cases have risen drastically here in Mauritius so we are staying at home…-_-pfft…
  • We went to the Pamplemousses Botanical Garden and honestly, I never knew white lotuses existed until I went there…
  • I watched a Netflix TV show (actually up till Season 2 and I am now waiting for Season 3). And guess what. I didn’t watch it on Netflix…hope it wasn’t illegal…I am not telling you what it is though…but I absolutely love it…like favourite movies of all time. It was a sci-fi movie btw. And I think I have a crush on A- (brain: Shut up! What do you think you are doing? Revealing things like that?!?)
  • I also watched the short move version of All Too Well…and boy…it was so good…You can literally create a movie out of this…

Music I Listened To:

  • Reputation by Taylor Swift (Full Album)
  • Lover by Taylor Swift (Full Album)
  • Evermore by Taylor Swift (Full Album)
  • Red (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift (Full Album)
  • SG by DJ Snake, Lisa (BLACKPINK), Megan Thee Stallion and Ozuna. (gah…the only good part was Megan’s rap) (honestly…it’s literally quite boring [in my opinion].)

I also made a playlist on Spotify for the K-Pop songs I love. And you have to like at least 3-5 of them in there🙂🔪)

And if you are wondering why it is written ‘Annia’ over there is because that is my real name. You never actually did think that ‘Hermione’ was my name right?😂 I was debating when I was going to use my real name here…when I first started this blog, I had this irrational fear that if by chance my friends had a blog, they would discover mine and…*shudders*

AND A LOT OF SELENA GOMEZ SONGS AS WELL…I listened to her full ”The Hits” playlist on Spotify. Lotta songs in there…

November Goals Review: (look at all of those lovely ticks…I’m hella proud…)

  • Hey you idiot, just breathe okay…I know you have got Bharatanatyam exam and Alliance Française and your second term exams are starting at the beginning of December…just breathe…oh and 2 presentations. ✅ Lockdown…didn’t even do any test…
  • Read more than 3 books.✅ Had the time to…
  • Catch up on book reviews.✅ Oh well, tis looking good…
  • Breathe.✅ Definitely 😉
  • Live.✅ Proud of myself

December Goals:

  • Read one book and make sure it is good enough to finish off your Goodreads challenge of 50 books…that is an order.
  • Revise French.
  • Go do some Algebra.
  • Complete that art homework. It has been sitting around for nearly a month and if there is partial lwsn doesn’t mean you have to keep it to the last minute…
  • Go and drink a cup of coffee if you want to but make sure you aren’t caught.

Well, that’s all. Unless you have somethin to say which I assume you don’t. WHICH I ASSUME YOU DO…which means you do…don’t forget to write something down in the comments…

The best blink memes :) Memedroid

Oh well…*blinks*

Ruin and Rising-A Book Review

*sniffs* *sniffs again*

Well, since the topic of me sniffing shouldn’t be of any of your concern…we will proceed..,*sni-

  • Title: Ruin and Rising
  • Series: Shadow and Bone #3
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Romance
  • Category: YA
  • Publication Date/Publisher: June 17th 2014 by Henry Holt and Company

Ruin and Rising (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #3)
Source: Goodreads

The capital has fallen.

The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation’s fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova’s amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling’s secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.

[Synopsis from Goodreads]

About the Author:

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of fantasy novels and the creator of the Grishaverse (now a Netflix original series) which spans the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology, the King of Scars Duology, and The Language of Thorns—with more to come. Her short stories can be found in multiple anthologies, including the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. Her other works include Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Ninth House (Goodreads Choice Winner for Best Fantasy 2019) which is being developed for television by Amazon Studios. Leigh grew up in Southern California and graduated from Yale University. These days she lives and writes in Los Angeles. For information on new releases and appearances, sign up for her newsletter.

She would be delighted if you visited her at and fairly giddy if you liked her selfies on Instagram.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

Just thinking about the ending breaks my heart. I will never forgive Alina but what has to be done has to be done. Good thing she paid for it in some indirect way…I will never ever ever forgive Alina…but any other ending would have been absolutely horrible. And Leigh Bardugo gives bitter sweet ending…what to expect??

Those who haven’t yet read this, I would please ask you not to get any ideas and for the love of heaven and hell, the world and the universe, the moon and the stars, the dark matter and the space between atoms in the air, I would be polite to ask you to sincerely yeet erase that little paragraph above from your memories. I am asking you to do this because I have your best interests at the very bottom of my bottomless heart.

Well, this book was a real journey. The previous characters who weren’t that present in the previous books really shone in this one.

I loved getting to know more about Zoya (that girl’s got some real guts I tell you) Genya (I absolutely love that lady. She has got a fierce and tough heart filled with bravery under her beauty. And Nikolai (again) manages to steal to show with his charm.

There was a thing I didn’t expect at all around the end of the book that I didn’t see coming. I was like:

HOW Meme Generator Net | Meme on ME.ME
Meme Generator

on Earth…what…how on God’s green and blue Earth did that just happen. Never saw this coming…

One aspect of the book that I absolutely loved is that The Darkling’s backstory was revealed in there. I mean, it is nice to know more about hem hem, the villain and his background. And it was all in details and it served a lot in the plot so it didn’t feel like it was just thrown in there.

Zoya Nazyalensky was this girl who totally portrays the badass who makes no effort to be badass. One day, I’ll most probably name my child after her…I totally loved getting to know her more because she and Nikolai were both my second favourite characters in this trilogy. And to be honest, I think Zoya and Nikolai would make a great pair. The way they talk you know…they could make a calm argument for hours haha. I love the fact that she only agrees to help Alina because she is the key to make Ravka safe again not because she actually cares for Alina. *maniacal laugh here*. Oh and of course Alina knows but I love how they warm up a teeny bit after working together.

insert evil laugh here - Evil Plotting Raccoon | Make a Meme

Mal was a lot better in this book but he is still annoying to be honest. Around the end of the book, I warmed up a lot to him. I think I always knew he loved Alina but in the two previous books, it was almost masked up to his 90% trashy attitude and 10% sweet attitude. But I guess Leigh Bardugo wanted us to ship Alina with the somebody else so that the ending shakes us and causes an earthquake. You know how Miss Leigh is with all her cunning ideas of torturing her readers…

Hem hem…well you’d better know that I never shipped Alina and Mal it was always Alina and The Darkling. The very first time I ever shipped a protagonist and the antagonist but you know Miss Leigh…she has got great ideas when it comes to character love interests…

I seriously liked the plot of the book. I have feeling that much more things happened in this last book…there was a lot more action and buildup in this one than in the others in my opinion. I loved how in this last book, the characters are all looked into deeply and we get to know them better.

The question I have to ask myself is, did Alina actually hate the Darkling or what?

Back to the main things. The ending was…not disappointing but I found it quite bitter (it all depends on you. How you bond with certain characters). For some it might be the perfect ending. The exact way an epic book should end but for me…it was heartbreaking. I was literally so lucky my parents weren’t home that day I finished that book. Spent around half an hour crying on the kitchen floor, had lunch and spent half an hour more crying on the kitchen floor while listening to Back To December by Taylor Swift. I cannot listen to that song now without tearing up. It is one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs. 😭. I hate Leigh Bardugo. I love Leigh Bardugo. She wrote one of the greatest books I have ever experienced. Despite breaking my heart, I’ll read this again. No book has ever made me cry like that.

This book is a great adventure and if you haven’t read this…you better do that soon. It was one hell of a story.

Okay bye bye bye now. Leave me alone. I think I have got to cry.

BTW, I have to tell you that I think I will be posting more often now because schools have closed again here in Mauritius and I am staying home. Like, I guess I’ll be reading more. I got out of my reading slump by reading a 500+ page book and a 750+ page book…figured out the way to get me out of a reading slump 🙂

I just have to pick any book that I have already read before and just get reading. I easily get into the reading flow then. Going to pick up a new book soon. I think I’ll pick up King of Scars next. I haven’t read this and I need to pay a visit to the Grisha world again. I need to go to Ravka or Ketterdam or some place like that.


Wrap Up #October2021

A gif to explain this October:

Fail GIF by Parallel_studio_
Source: Giphy

You can blame school for it…*exhales dramatically* but I did a lot of nice things to. I took probably more than fifty flower pictures. And they actually turned out good. I love going into the garden and taking pictures. Have to do that again sometime…

Total number of books read: 4 (read my ”Life Update”…the second one:)

The Scorpio Illusion by Robert Ludlum (Thriller)

The Scorpio Illusion
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 2.5/5 (kind of regret buying this book to be honest…)

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

The plot was actually really good. I guess this could have been better if it would have been written by another author. There was a lot of unnecessary details and conversation in there. Like, it went way too fast. And some things fell a little out of place. There are much better books out there…like the Scorpios were some sort of secret organization…is that all?? Like I want to know more. You could have added that to the book instead of the unnecessary paragraphs…? This book would have had so much potential had it been written by another author. Quite disappointed. Expected more.

Other Posts:

What I Plan To Read Next:

Something light probably. Some contemporary perhaps. I will have exams soon in December (yep…in December because Covid loves messing up things) and I am already a little stressed…

Life Update:

  • I have been in a bit of a reading slump I guess. My mind was just everywhere and school is just deciding to settle permanently on my back, or rather on my head; because my brain is trying to escape but it cannot.
  • I actually read 4 books. The Scorpio Illusion and the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy…(shh…I am still twelve…) but…I think it gets a three out of five. It was just that I don’t need that many scenes every ten pages thank you. You better shut up now. I was just curious…
  • I took many pictures of flowers from our garden. And I think they turned out pretty good. Here are some of them:

(the pictures are NOT to be used without my permission)

It looks much nicer in my blog page you know…I don’t think the collage shows in the WordPress reader…


Music I Listened To:

  • Reputation by Taylor Swift (full album)
  • Speak Now by Taylor Swift (full album)
  • Folklore by Taylor Swift (full album)
  • Stay by BLACKPINK [when you realize the meaning of this song..]
  • Hope Not by BLACKPINK [..just find the English version…I’ll cry]
  • You Never Know by BLACKPINK
  • On The Ground by Rosé
  • Gone by Rosé [listen to this…please. It is all in English and it is just so beautiful. The lyrics I can’t-]
  • Money by Lisa

You have to listen to those songs. I absolutely loved them…especially the BLACKPINK ones…it is a shame they don’t make anymore like these now…they are literally one of their best songs😔. Like the ones where it makes you actually feel the song.

October Goals Review:

  • Read more than 5 books. ❌
  • Find a miraculous way to balance life, school and blogging. THAT MEANS I HAVE TO POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK! ❌
  • Don’t close my eyes while riding a bike the next time. ✅

November Goals:

  • Hey you idiot, just breathe okay…I know you have got Bharatanatyam exam and Alliance Française and your second term exams are starting at the beginning of December…just breathe…oh and 2 presentations.
  • Read more than 3 books.
  • Catch up on book reviews.
  • Breathe.
  • Live.

tim kazurinsky banana GIF by Saturday Night Live
Source: Giphy

…because I don’t…

love and hip hop wow GIF by VH1
Source: Giphy

Oh well, I guess I’d better go now…because I have 2 presentations to do, practice Bharatanatyam and revise the theory for the exam, study French for Alliance Francaise exam and catch up on the reviews. That is a lot to do.

Did I mention that I have to do a presentation on my favourite book?? I was planning on doing it on Six of Crows. Definitely not Harry Potter. My friends totally put me off that idea. Not Sorcery of Thorns, the subject gets really close to one of my fictional crushes. Not Shadow and Bone; gets too close to the fictional crush thing and I might start crying…Not Fable…I have no idea what to say. Least why I even love this book. Not Game of Thrones; it isn’t for my age and if the teacher has read this book (she read Harry Potter and she might have read Game of Thrones), that would be embarrassing. And I might start rambling why George R.R Martin shouldn’t kill Jon Snow…

So let us just settle with Six of Crows. I just have to pretend I am making a review and just make it interactive. *deep breathing* It isn’t as easy as it seems to be. I dreamt I went to do the Alliance Francaise exam and I hadn’t even revised at all. And you had all this advanced stuff…

So Swifties and those who loved the Six of Crows duology, I just thought of… something…👁👄👁

This is probably crazy of me but this thing has been bugging me since a few days…

If you are a Swiftie, then you definitely know that song called No Body No Crime.

If you are a Swiftie and don’t know this song…a real shame…IT IS RIGHT THERE IN YOUTUBE.😑

Let us continue…

If you have read Six of Crows, then you definitely know the famous line…No Mourners No Funerals (I have it as my Whatsapp profile picture🙂🔪 don’t you dare tell anyone…)

Well, coming to the point…doesn’t No Body No Crime sound like something the Crows would say???

…or it could probably just be my imagination…

Wow. All this valuable rubbish at the beginning just to write the above paragraph.

Ooh…valuable rubbish…found a new nickname for my two best-friends…😏

I’d better be off now, I have to go and think if posting this was a good idea or not.

…and does Six of Crows have a fandom name?? It should have one…

Siege and Storm-A Book Review


You don’t know so I’ll tell you anyways…

So, one of my classmates poked my cheek and I literally screamed ”DON’T TOUCH ME!” and hit that person. I don’t know what is wrong with me…but I am a fully norma-*hemhem* person…

And I just realized how life is amazing but the feeling is gone now…

Here is the link to my review of the first book of this series.

  • Title: Siege and Storm
  • Series: Shadow and Bone #2
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Magic
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: June 4th 2013 by Henry Holt and Company

Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #2)
Source: Goodreads

I love this font!!!!!

Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land, all while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. But she can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her—or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.

[Synopsis from Goodreads]

About the Author:

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of fantasy novels and the creator of the Grishaverse (now a Netflix original series) which spans the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology, the King of Scars Duology, and The Language of Thorns—with more to come. Her short stories can be found in multiple anthologies, including the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. Her other works include Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Ninth House (Goodreads Choice Winner for Best Fantasy 2019) which is being developed for television by Amazon Studios. She lives in Los Angeles. For information on new releases and appearances, sign up for her newsletter.

She would be delighted if you visited her at and fairly giddy if you liked her selfies on Instagram.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 5/5 (okay, fine. This series is officially one of my all time faves 😉

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

Dude…this trilogy deserves all the stars in the universe. (Just my opinion of course.)

Well, this book is all about finding the mythical sea dragon….well, anything that involves dragons is my treat. A lot happens in the middle of the sea, in boats. It gives a little pirate vibe to the book which I absolutely loved.

I really enjoyed reading about Alina. In this book, she grows so much, changes so much and learns so much about how to unleash her magic. She becomes a person who is more sure of herself unlike the girl who didn’t even know how to summon her magic before. And you know the best thing about the book, so many new characters were introduced and Miss Leigh managed to make me fall in love with all of them.

Now we come to the person who stole the show…Prince Nikolai Lantsov. The wittiest and most charming person I have ever met. (I haven’t actually met him). No, actually The Darkling is the most charming person but Prince Nikolai has a different sort of charm around him. And he is goddamn smart. He is this sort of person who is always making plans in his head. And he just charms everybody. He stole the whole book to be honest. He is just amazing. I think he is quite similar to Kaz Brekker in terms of mind of intelligence and their knack for making the plans. He one of my favourite characters in this trilogy. Well, The Darkling and Prince Nikolai. *blushing* Actually, I don’t blush but my cheeks tingle.

And to be honest…Mal is a great character but sometimes, he is just really annoying. But sometimes, my heart melts with him. I understand he is a bit of a jealous freak but…sometimes you need to calm down. Seriously?! In the last book of this trilogy, Mal changes a lot so don’t start hating him right now please.🙂 (who finds this emoji creepy? Like the eyes don’t smile…it is the sort of smile you would wear before killing someone…🙂🔪. This looks a million times better. The perfect expression for stabbing someone.)🙂🔪

Is Zoya present a lot in this book?? No I think she is most present in the last one. Because after the ”disaster” at the palace is she present most of the book right? I cannot even freaking separate the events from all the books. I know them but I can’t separate them into their appropriate books…this ANNOYS me!!!

Maybe, we will talk about her when I review the last book.

Well, overall, this book is perfect. The new characters were gradually introduced in the book so you will not lose track unless you find the book boring. It was easy to follow and if I am not mistaken, it picks off right where it left off in the first book. Well, I don’t think everything was very easy in the book…we have got one hell of an amazing and extremely well-written antagonist…Lord Voldemort could never- and one hell of a smart-ass (Prince Nikolai…sure as hell I won’t forget you).

And a very well-written love triangle except there were 3 love-interests…would that be called a quadrangle?? But I think adding the third love interest wasn’t really necessary but let’s be honest over here…the chemistry between The Darkling and Alina was so thick I could cut it out of the book and still not be able to chew it…Mal and Alina didn’t have much chemistry like *cringes a little*…


Why do authors like making their readers suffer?? What did we ever do to them?? Well, never mind…

Again, I know this sounds a lot like rambling but I always find it a little difficult to write reviews of books I really love. Like, I cannot fully explain why I like this and that…

This is all a bunch of rambling and disorganized thoughts…*sighs*

But you get the idea. It was the perfect sequel to Shadow and Bone. The characters develop a lot and the setting and atmosphere were top-notch. The new characters were gradually introduced and Leigh Bardugo actually kept a lot of secrets and mystery in this book and if by chance you didn’t like this book, you will have to read the last one because of the curiosity and the way this books ends. The romance was well-written and the chemistry between The Darkling and Alina could have exploded out of the book. I think she also did a great job in the relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist without making Alina a villain in the process. And if I am not mistaken, a lot of things are kept in the dark, to be revealed in the third and final book. Now, this is a heavy-fantasy and ONLY READ THIS IF YOU ARE IN THE MOOOOD!! We don’t need people saying that they didn’t like this book because they read it at the wrong time or whatever utter nonsense you can come up with. Don’t ruin your first experience….

So there…that was a better one right??

Well, if you reached here…thanks for tolerating those blocks of paragraphs. It means a lot.


This isn’t true you know…just joking…🎃

Wrap Up #September2021

Welcome, welcome October! *cameras click as October walks on the red carpet*

We are so happy you came! We call September to step down and hand the crown to October!

*September does so quite happily (and grudgingly) as she steps down the throne and gives her crown and place to October* (who ever said September is a girl? IDK but the name itself gives feminine vibes. SePTemBeR!)

*October starts speaking*

”Well, to all the months of the year, thank you for all being here today! I am greatly honored to be part of you eleven and for having my own 31 days in a year to rule….”

Instead of writing October’s speech (which is very long), we will just proceed with the wrap up!😁. No offense October but your speech and my wrap up together will be a very long post indeed…

BTW, all links are the reviews I posted.


Total number of books read: 7

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig (Fiction)

The Midnight Library
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4/5

Rating: 4 out of 5.

We will keep things short over here…well, I am jealous of Nora. She literally visited a magical library and I want to go there. But I really recommend this, it is really a book that gets you thinking. In a good way.

The Metal Heart by Caroline Lea (Historical Fiction)

The Metal Heart: A Novel of Love and Valor in World War II
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4/5

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This book is full of emotions and love and bravery and courage and the beautiful things we do for the people we love…recommend this if you like historical fiction.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo Shadow and Bone #1(Fantasy)

Shadow and Bone (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #1)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

What do I have to say about this? Leigh Bardugo and her writing amazes me. I cannot believe that this book is a work created by her. Like the worldbuilding, the plot, the way she wrote the book, the way she explains the Grisha so well and the way she created the very first villain I (don’t insert fell in love here) ever took a liking for. This series is a masterpiece.

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo Shadow and Bone #2 (Fantasy)

Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #2)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.



The problem, I have a crush on The Darkling now and I totally ship him with Alina…cannot believe I just wrote that.

With btw, brings my total number of crushes to 3 (all of them fictional). We have one demon, another demon and a villain. I probably have good taste…😎😏😂

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo Shadow and Bone #3(Fantasy)

Ruin and Rising (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #3)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Oh…Okay, I should probably hold on to my tears now. The ending killed me in such a way that I am still alive and suffering on earth because of those last pages…

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (Fantasy)

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Cannot believe the cover is like SiX DANgerouS OutCasTS ONe dEADly HeiST and the book is like…my ghost won’t associate with your ghost…Matthias wondered whether the sea air was rotting his brain…

Pretty sure it isn’t word for word but you get the idea…and Matthias I was wondering about that too…

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (Fantasy)

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Fine…the ending left me wanting more? Miss Leigh, for everyone’s sake, you could have written AT LEAST a page more. Like, I want to know what Kaz told them, how Inej acted, their reactions….I WANT TO KNOW but I guess it is part of you make-all-your-readers-suffer plan.


Other Posts:

What I Plan To Read Next:.

Probably something spooky or some fantasy. I am feeling in that mood…

Life Update: Well, nothing interesting happened to be honest.

  • It was my sister’s birthday this month. So yeah, that’s basically it.
  • I read 5 books that became my favourite. So Miss Leigh ACTUALLY knows how to work magic on books. I suspect she is actually a Grisha herself. That wouldn’t be surprising if it was true.
  • My best friend and my other best friend (we are three) had a fight and AS USUAL I have to find myself between them. All of it is solved now.
  • Cried a lot because of Ruin and Rising but again, I think this is part of Miss Leigh’s, make-all-your-readers-suffer plan…*sighs* Of course, it isn’t like you can just turn a character into a bat and make it live in a cursed cave forever…
  • I fell because stupid me decided to try to ride my bike with my damned eyes closed. *shakes her head at herself for this insane stupidity* What the heck was I trying to do?

September Goals Review:

  • Read at least 8-10 books.❌
  • Complete that Design and Technology project (AND MAKE SURE YOU GET GOOD MARKS GURL. UNDER 90 ISN’T ACCEPTABLE) ✅
  • Don’t waste your time Spend less time doing silly things (like secretly watching YouTube because you are bored) ❌
  • And do what makes you happy (even if this includes staring at the dark ceiling at night thinking of useless things or sending stupid texts to your best-friends like arguing whether the moon landing is fake or if Area 51 has aliens or if we are just aliens from another planet that have conquered the Earth and living on it for like 100 000 years. 🧐Not sure about that..

October Goals:

  • Read more than 5 books.
  • Find a miraculous way to balance life, school and blogging. THAT MEANS I HAVE TO POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK!
  • Don’t close my eyes while riding a bike the next time.

So, that is all!

Well, September was a lovely month.

Does anyone of you know how time-turners are made? That question just popped in my head and I really want to know?

BTW, how was your month? What did you read? Did you fall off your bike? No, of course not. I must be crazy.

Well, it is October now. *snorts* You already know that.

Finally I am posting this. I hate being late. See ya next time with another post!

And don’t forget to comment, I love talking to you guys!

x Hermione

Shadow and Bone-A Book Review//I have never been so excited to write a review so far…weird🤔

I think I have a big tiny obsession with Mr. Grey Eyes and Black Kefta.

But just forget about that…

Okay, well, yesterday something wierd happened. I found a piece of paper under the bed and I found it so funny my heart almost fell off my chest into my hands…

Well, the review shouldn’t be ignored.

  • Title: Shadow and Bone
  • Series: Shadow and Bone #1
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Magic
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: June 5th 2012 by Henry Holt & Company

Shadow and Bone (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy, #1)
Source: Goodreads

BTW!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FONT IN THE TITLE!! *resolves to go and find that font one day*

Surrounded by enemies, the once-great nation of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a swath of near impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters who feast on human flesh. Now its fate may rest on the shoulders of one lonely refugee.

Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.

Yet nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. With darkness looming and an entire kingdom depending on her untamed power, Alina will have to confront the secrets of the Grisha . . . and the secrets of her heart.

[This synopsis is from Goodreads…usually I used to write my own but…I can barely even separate the main events from the three books]

About the Author:

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of fantasy novels and the creator of the Grishaverse (now a Netflix original series) which spans the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology, the King of Scars Duology, and The Language of Thorns—with more to come. Her short stories can be found in multiple anthologies, including the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. Her other works include Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Ninth House (Goodreads Choice Winner for Best Fantasy 2019) which is being developed for television by Amazon Studios. Leigh grew up in Southern California and graduated from Yale University. These days she lives and writes in Los Angeles. For information on new releases and appearances, sign up for her newsletter.

She would be delighted if you visited her at and fairly giddy if you liked her selfies on Instagram.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 5/5 (what were you expecting??😂)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

To make this all easier…I am going to simply break down everything otherwise I myself will be all muddled up.

Let me start with the characters:

Alina Starkov (our protagonist): I love the way Leigh Bardugo wrote her. She managed to create a good relationship between our antagonist (The Darkling…aka the lov-no need to know the rest) and Alina…without making her turn into the villain in the process. And she was a little different from the other protagonists as well and the only other protagonist I could faintly compare her to is Harry Potter. They were both almost driven by power wanting the objects (Alina: The Morozova amplifiers and Harry: the Hallows). Her flaws were as beautiful as her good side and she was a person who could develop strong relationships with others.

Okay, can we move to The Darkling now. I am dying to tell you all about him.

The Darkling (the antagonist): I have to say this….HE IS THE BEST VILLAIN EVER TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN [in my opinion but it is probably a fact too]. He is my favourite character and I absolutely love him🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤. I have never known a villain written this way. Can somebody explain to me, how on earth can an author have the superpower to write one of the most powerful Grisha to be alive, living human amplifier with the power of the darkness but still be the most human of all people. A human with the ability to love, to feel, to grieve and who still manages to love his mother, after all this time. I will cry…Okay, I am already crying because of Ruin and Rising…and I don’t intend on drowning myself in a mini ocean in our house…continuing about the Darkling, I think he was the most interesting character in the whole book. I wish all authors could create masterpieces out of villains the way Leigh Bardugo does. He was everything a proper villain should be, someone who is cruel but human and someone who has a heart but doesn’t have a heart; both at the same time.

Mal Oretsev (Alina’s childhood bestfriend): A sulky attitude that boy has but I love him all the same. I love the way he loved and cared for Alina even though he was often cold with her at times. He was this type of person who would always stand by the people he loves even if it means giving himself up. It is a trait I greatly admire in him not to mention he is a really sweet guy.

Well…we have got to keep some of the characters for the next two reviews right…remember…I have partly failed at separating the events from the trilogy…And I am pretending that I am reviewing the whole trilogy…

Well, we have to talk about the worldbuilding. *thanks the author for inserting maps in the book…the best. I love maps* I don’t know if everyone might relate but I found it really easy to immerse myself in the book and the setting as well. If there was any infodumping then I seriously don’t know about that since I could easily understand the world without getting lost. I love Ravka and especially the atmosphere. I am an absolute sucker when authors make the atmosphere of their books grey with a dash of forest and dark places. I absolutely loved the plot of the story and the way everything is explained in the book. I have never read a book like that before. Leihg Bardugo had a great imagination…I wish I could know HOW ON EARTH did Leigh Bardugo get the idea to write this book. When creating her world, she didn’t miss anything out. For example, the culture of the Ravkans, the Suli and the Shu and the Kerch were there. If I am not mistaken, I think Ravka is inspired from Russia and its culture but I may be mistaken of course. I also loved the way the charcters changed and progressed all throughout the book and it great watching them grow. They hold a special place in my heart. Why am I being sentimental?🧐

Like the Grisha who’s magic is also known as the Small Science and it was great getting to learn about those. Let’s say that Leigh Bardugo left nothing unexplained (except one thing…but that was quite small). It isn’t a very fast paced book and I found it easy to breathe between the lines. The scenes were neither too fast nor too slow for me. Bruh, Leigh Bardugo REALLY knows what she was doing when writing this book but I think she also enjoys making her readers suffer and smile at the same time. Complicated…

Okay, there we are and frankly speaking, there is a lot more to talk about…but I have to keep some of the characters for the other books.

Well, I think I have got to say thanks to Leigh Bardugo for writing this fact the whole trilogy because it was such a great and heartbreaking adventure for sure but thanks.

Thanks for reading…AND SORRY NOT SORRY IF IT IS TOO LONG…couldn’t help myself👻

P.S. Oh, and I guess ghosts are cute. Especially the emoji.