Okay, can somebody EXPLAIN how we are already starting a new month because my head is seriously very muddled up…and time seems to make no sense anymore. I HATE IT when time decides to just start sprinting or start a marathon against another time in another parallel universe to see which one reaches some specific date in the future…like WHAT??

I admit I am a crazy person but parallel universes do exist…

Total number of books read: 7 *rapid blinking* *extremely proud of herself for managing seven books and more-than-10-tests* (I am very lucky they were small tests otherwise I would have had a mental breakdown…)

By the way, I actually changed my blog theme because I didn’t like the old one😂. Now, it is much more of something that I like. I was always scared of changing my blog theme because one I accidentally did that and it was a total fiasco but don’t worry, the problem has been resolved.

[All links are the reviews I posted]

The Queen Will Betray You (Kingdoms of Sand and Sky #2) by Sarah Henning (Fantasy)

43603842. sy475

My Ratings: 4.5/5

Okay, well, I did wait a lot to read this book since I finished The Princess Will Save You like two months ago and this book DID NOT DISAPPOINT. So for fans of bestfriend-to-lovers trope, go read this. But start with The Princess Will Save You though, haha!

BTW, it is also action-packed and a has a strong and fierce female main character. Greatly recommend.

You Have A Match by Emma Lord (Contemporary)

You Have a Match
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 3.5/5

Again…bestfriends-to-lovers trope and I tell you…this book is so sweet and definitely makes people smile. It has a great friendship which was portrayed so perfectly in the book. I mean, I really liked this book so if you have read Tweet Cute by the same author, then this is definitely for you!

Wilder Girls by Rory Power (Horror)

Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4.5/5

Rory Power is one of those authors with totally weird and unique ideas. This is the second book I have read by Rory and well…it was so different from Burn Our Bodies Down. It is a horror book with gruesome parts, blood, weird body deformities so proceed with caution. Or just go read it. It made me think a lot of the Covid since there is a contagious disease in this book but it is nothing like it. I mean, the whole plot of the book was original and the cover is just so BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson (Fantasy)

Sorcery of Thorns
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 5/5

First of all….WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS COVER! The author is literally SO LUCKY to have written a book which deserved such a cover! And I love the dark turquoise on the cover. I have never seen such a cover in my life…it is too beautiful for my eyes really😂…

This book is just fantastic. Why? Because we have characters who 1. Are pure SLYTHERIN (Nathaniel…I SEE YA) 2. Who have another level of sarcasticness (this isn’t a word) (haHA! Silas, you are just purrfect…I…) 3. Main character who loves books and practically LIVED IN A LIBRARY! (Okay Scrivener, I am jealous of you right now😑)…

Let us just say this book has major Slytherin vibes, sarcastic vibes and lovable demons (Silas, you aren’t invisible and I can very well see you) and totally relatable main characters.

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (Horror)

House of Hollow
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4.5/5

This book surprised me in so many ways but mainly for its uniqueness and originality. I really recommend this book but again, proceed with caution since there is a lot mentioned about blood and just check a few trigger warnings before reading. But again, for fans of horror, this book is DEFINITELY FOR YOU. It has a natural way of blending horror an magical realism together and has the aspect of ‘Otherworlds”.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord (Contemporary)

Tweet Cute
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4/5

AAAAAAWWWW! Cheesy. Cute. Adorkable. Funny. Witty. Just go read this if you badly need to smile right now. It sets people smiling in the great need of grilled cheese…

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (Fantasy)

The Scorpio Races
Source: Goodreads

My Ratings: 4.5/5

SEAN KENDRICK!! PUCK CONNOLLY!! I FREAKING SHIP YOU BOTH!! By the way, review coming soon!

🖤🖤🖤Best Book of the Month🖤🖤🖤

Sorcery of Thorns
Source: Goodreads

Other Posts:

BTW, you can check out my first two Sunshine posts down below:

What I Plan to Read Next:

ISDK(I Seriously Don’t Know)

Life Update: (In bullet points)

  • My best-friend celebrated her thirteenth birthday on the 22nd of August and Happy Birthday you annoying girl!😂 (I mean…SHE IS)
  • I realized that my two best-friends are already thirteen but I am not yet.
  • Spent the whole month trying to convince myself I DO NOT have a crush on Silas (Sorcery of Thorns) but ended up giving up and now I hate myself for this. (I mean I hate myself for actually admitting that).
  • Then, I was wondering whether or not I have a crush on Luc from The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Currently, the right and left side of my brain are currently debating but soon, all of my organs will join in😂🤦‍♀️
  • I think I have a thing for characters who are demons…
  • Disappointed with myself for losing 3 marks in French (22 out of 25) because of two repeated mistakes and one stupid mistake and going into a full blown panic attack because 22 out of 25 is 88 out of 100. 😱 #horrified
  • Actually realizing that stupid me didn’t know what a light pen was and because of that, lost one mark in my ICT test.

Since discussing grades must be a boring topic and soil particles is even duller let us just move on…

  • Convinced my best-friend (the one who turned 13 this August) to read Sorcery of Thorns and SHE ACTUALLY LISTENED!! I love you bestie🖤
  • Started my Bharatanatyam course this month (it was disrupted because of Covid and we just resumed) and actually enjoying them but despising the teacher. Ooop-
  • Painted a pear for my Art Class and it ACTUALLY TURNED OUT GOOD!! I think I am actually good at painting with watercolor but when it comes to shading with pencil…let us just say I have to practice that.
  • Actually realized that anytime, an APOCALYPSE CAN OCCUR! The problem…my friends agree but don’t take it seriously enough.

September Goals:

  • Read at least 8-10 books.
  • Complete that Design and Technology project (AND MAKE SURE YOU GET GOOD MARKS GURL. UNDER 90 ISN’T ACCEPTABLE)
  • Don’t waste your time Spend less time doing silly things (like secretly watching YouTube because you are bored)
  • And do what makes you happy (even if this includes staring at the dark ceiling at night thinking of useless things or sending stupid texts to your best-friends like arguing whether the moon landing is fake or if Area 51 has aliens or if we are just aliens from another planet that have conquered the Earth and living on it for like 100 000 years.

Yes…now I am finally done! *reads the September goals…and wondering if I have actually lost my mind in the process*

And I also have to say that all those bloggers who did the Top Ten Tuesday post on Fictional Crushes, I really enjoyed all of them😂. I mean, it is very weird, fictional crushes are like one of the most interesting topics when it comes to talking about books. I am laughing like right now😂

See you all with another post! Do drop a comment down below! How was your month btw?? What did you read?

22 thoughts on “Wrap Up #August2021

  1. IKR, August just went by so fast. Mine probably because I had exams and not much time to do anything but study. Looks like your August went great.You read and reviewed some great books.The only books I managed to read this month were my textbooks.Wait, you are 12? How do you write such great reviews at 12? Wow, I am amazed. I didn’t know you were learning Bharatanatyam. I learnt Bharatanatyam too, but I quit after a year. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Textbooks should count too! I mean, we read them like a hundred times before any test😂. I mean, i am not actually very very good at doing reviews but reading other blogs and reviews helps a lot. I used to dance bharatanatyam when i was little and now I am continuing and i actually really love it but I don’t really like our teacher 😁. We cannot possibly like all teachers can we?😅 dont tell me you quit but after all, people have different tastes in everything.😁


      1. You are right, reading textbooks should count, after all it is just like reading a normal book only minus the fun. I absolutely love to dance. I break into a dance at the most random occasions which gets really embarrassing at times. My love for dance was the main reason why my mother enrolled me in bharatanatyam classes. I have nothing against bharatnatyam, it’s just not something I’m cut out for. I didn’t used to like my bharatanatyam very much either, I wonder if that’s a universal thing. No, we can’t like all teachers just like they can’t all like us.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I also love dancing. But only when i am alone because i am a shy person😂. And yes the last sentence is soooo truee!
          Choosng between bharatanatyam and embarrasing dancing, id rather choose the latter. Bharatanatyam is COMPLICATED because there are just so many rules hhaha

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks chelsea! House of hollow is like one of the best horror books i have read this year and i hope you enjoy thekingdoms of sand and sky ansd sorcery of thorns 😊


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