Jade Fire Gold – A Book Review

Since this is my blog, I think I have the luxury to skip an introduction because I don’t know what to write up here…other than the fact that I cannot wait for my best friend to read Ruin and Rising so that she can have her heart broken. She deserves it. Yes she does. That is my indirect revenge on her for daring to- let’s start with the review. 🔪

  • Title: Jade, Fire, Gold
  • Author: June C.L. Tan
  • Genre: Fantasy, Chinese Mythology, Romance, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publication Date/Publisher: October 12th 2021 by Harper Teen

Jade Fire Gold
Source: Goodreads

Someone….please tell me WHAT SHOULD I DO SO THAT MY FUTURE NOVEL (which probably won’t turn very good because if I have got a few ideas, I probably don’t have enough writing skills for the moment) DESERVES A COVER LIKE THIS?

I don’t think I should reduce the size of this cover because- LOOK AT THIS ART😭 Bro like-

There was a time when war approached an empire like a looming shadow…

There was a boy, Altan who’s burdened by his past, because he remembers…and a girl, Ahn who has no past, only left with an object she can barely tie to a memory.

When Ahn discovers something about her that was far greater than she has ever imagined, her future is now not entirely in her hands. Thrown into something much more dangerous than she thought of, it’s too far-fetched for her to believe it more than a fairytale.

But when Ahn and Altan collide, possibilities bloom. They each find something to gain from each other. Altan sees the hope of reclaiming his throne and Ahn, recovering her long lost memories.

And all things have a price that needs to be paid.

About the Author: June C.L. Tan

June C.L. Tan

June CL Tan is a Singaporean author who was raised on a diet of classic books and wuxia movies, caffeine and congee. After obtaining three degrees, she decided she had enough of academia. Thankfully, those degrees were somewhat related to telling stories and now, she resides in New York City, writing under the watchful eye of her crafty cat. Jade Fire Gold is her debut novel.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 3.5/5

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

For a debut novel, this book really did surprise me. It was easy to get into the atmosphere and absorb yourself into the book.

(Can we talk about the opening lines please????? Like they are worth sparkles ✨✨✨✨✨)

The characters were very well-written and they weren’t paper people if you get what I mean. I also like the way the author introduced them into the book and the way the story unfolds itself all along the way. The story is told in both Ahn’s and Altan’s point of views which is probably one of the best things because the feeeeels….

The plot was easy to understand but I guess it lacked a bit of more action (look at the cover? Doesn’t it just RADIATE action?) and ✨intense chemistry✨ between the two main characters. Sometimes, it felt like the book was too concentrated on Ahn and Altan. The atmosphere as always is one of the most important things I search for in a story and if the atmosphere was great in this book, it wasn’t mind-blowing. I wish the author had spent much more time in accurately describing their environment, the temperature in overall but otherwise, she did a great job.

I also loved the side characters a lot. Despite them not having a lot of ‘book-time’, the author made them come to life. I guess the best things in this book is the magic system (like the Elemental Magic system, where they can manipulate the four basic elements [air, fire, water, earth] but so as not to spoil, that is all you should know for now. The characters can also be something I would call one of the best things and the sweet relationship between them, friendly or romantic.

The book could have been longer because in my opinion the author could have spent a dozen more pages in world-building and atmosphere. I think it would have so much more potential if the world would have been much more developed and the scenes a lot more suspenseful and unpredictable.

I expected it to be action packed but it ended up to be mostly sweet and with a little action. It wasn’t what I expected but the unexpected turned out to be good.

I love the author’s writing style, It really brought the story to life and trust me, this book is definitely worth it. It may lack a little world-building and more backstory for the characters but just seeing the fanart on Google makes me want to pick up the book again. Like, I would read it again for the sweet romance and writing style and the side characters.

Can I also say that the names in this book are like insanely beautifully gorgeous? Ahn? Altan? Linxi? Leiye? Tang Wei? Tai Shun? Not only are the names beautiful, but the way they are spelled and written like-

Its So Beautiful Crying GIF - Its So Beautiful Crying Cry GIFs
Source: Tenor

Yeah…so beautiful I’ll eventually end up feeling emotional on the next level…

Like go read this book if you want. For a debut, this book is terrifyingly beautiful and I do recommend this. If this author is writing any other fantasy, I am just gonna pop out, download the book for free from somewhere on Google and plop myself in some hidey hole and read. She has literally so much potential and I know she will just get better and better. Like, go read this.

*the cover is breathtakingly amazing…*

My Favourite Quotes: (I think I kinda lost track and stopped taking notes of them…)

The boy who hated the desert with every fiber of his body yet was forced to remain in its protection. The boy so broken inside that they thought he might never smile again, that his eyes would never see the light. The boy who could not or would not speak. And when he finally did with a voice full of gravel, he uttered only one word. Again and again.
A name he would repeat in his sleep. Sometimes murmuring, often screaming.

Jade Fire Gold – June C.L Tan

It is said that the gods test a man for a purpose; that they would never place on him a burden he could not bear. But the boy held a different view. The gods were cruel, and men were merely puppets in a grand play staged for the amusement of bored immortals.
He vowed to snatch his fate from their hands.
So, he bided his time, waiting for a sign.

Jade Fire Gold – June C.L Tan
Tears Of Joy Amanda Holden GIF - Tears Of Joy Amanda Holden Britains Got Talent GIFs
Source: Tenor

Did I ever say that quotes make me emotional?

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I am suddenly feeling emotional for such minor reasons. I think my mind is running away.

And I think I was in some sort of hiatus but that was because online class started four weeks ago and I am so lucky they have ended.

And school has started and I am not sure if I have shrunk in size in three months or my friends have just grown taller…

But I am happy, normal school has resumed except for the fact that I am supposed to be in Grade 9 (I won’t be able to explain the whole Mauritian school system but January to December is the time we spend in a Grade) this year and the GOveRNMent decided to make all the students repeat the same class again.

So it is like I am repeating Grade 8 again. WE HAD ALREADY COVERED 2 TERMS WHY NOT JUST GIVE US ONLY A SINGLE ONE TO COMPLETE OUR GRADE 8 INSTEAD OF GETTING US STUCK IN THE SAME CLASS FOR ONE MORE EFFING YEAR? Or at least you could have given us like half a year to complete my Grade 8…we would have lost only the minimum then…

Like, I am lamenting at my miserable fate. What sorcery is? Kids aren’t stupid. They can all easily adapt to school life…it will just take them 3 weeks then we will all be on flow.

We have almost finished our Grade 8 books…then what? Like we don’t need 1 year to finish the last third of the book? Oh yes. Now I remember? We could always do the book over again and do revision till we are finally getting into the other class right?

Instead of annoying you with my problems, I have another thing to annoy you with…



Six of Crows//Crooked Kingdom-A Double Book Review (…’cause why not?)

Oh well, I guess it will be easier to write down my thoughts down for the TWO books otherwise my brain will be scattered all over the place. Oh and probably because I am too lazy to write separate reviews…*fakes a yawn*. *actually yawns*

Oh well, this might be a long post and instead of reading all the blurbs you can just skip them all and start reading after the ratings.

  • Title: Six of Crows
  • Series: Six of Crows #1
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: September 29th 2015 by Henry Holt & Company
Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Source: Goodreads

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .

A convict with a thirst for revenge

A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager

A runaway with a privileged past

A spy known as the Wraith

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes

Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.

[From Goodreads]


But the part where I write my thoughts about those two books are totally spoiler-free. *rolls eyes* Just scroll down. It is found under the rating I give the two books.

  • Title: Crooked Kingdom
  • Series: Six of Crows #2
  • Author: Leigh Bardugo
  • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: September 27th 2016 by Orion Children’s Book
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)
Source: Goodreads

Welcome to the world of the Grisha.

Kaz Brekker and his crew of deadly outcasts have just pulled off a heist so daring even they didn’t think they’d survive. But instead of divvying up a fat reward, they’re right back to fighting for their lives.

Double-crossed and badly weakened, the crew is low on resources, allies, and hope. As powerful forces from around the world descend on Ketterdam to root out the secrets of the dangerous drug known as jurda parem, old rivals and new enemies emerge to challenge Kaz’s cunning and test the team’s fragile loyalties.

A war will be waged on the city’s dark and twisting streets – a battle for revenge and redemption that will decide the fate of the Grisha world.

[From Goodreads]

About the Author:

Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of fantasy novels and the creator of the Grishaverse (now a Netflix original series) which spans the Shadow and Bone Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology, the King of Scars Duology, and The Language of Thorns—with more to come. Her short stories can be found in multiple anthologies, including the Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy. Her other works include Wonder Woman: Warbringer and Ninth House (Goodreads Choice Winner for Best Fantasy 2019) which is being developed for television by Amazon Studios. She lives in Los Angeles. For information on new releases and appearances, sign up for her newsletter.

She would be delighted if you visited her at LeighBardugo.com and fairly giddy if you liked her selfies on Instagram.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]


My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.


My Ratings: 5/5

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:


Okay, since my mind needs sorting we will make things a little organized here. *huffs*

Kaz Brekker

I think Leigh Bardugo did a great job developing him. He had a unique “greyish” personality and I absolutely love it when the hero is a little grey; like he was neither a totally good person, but not a bad person. I guess it was definitely right introducing him as a criminal mastermind otherwise I would have asked myself how on Earth does he have the brains??To think of that up?? Like who does?? Though I wish I had his gift of lockpicking…

He is so different, internally and externally. Everybody sees him as this cold-hearted criminal mastermind but in the inside, he is just a boy who has a hard past and just trying to survive in a world of corruption and greed AND monsters like Pekka. I think the great challenge in this book was portraying him as this person who never believes he is wrong, full of calculated strategies and quite proud but also portraying him as this person who never believes he is worthy enough to deserve good things in life.

“How do you get your information, Mister Brekker?”
“You might say I’m a lockpick.”
“You must be a very gifted one.”
“I am indeed.” Kaz leaned back slightly. “You see, every man is a safe, a vault of secrets and longings. Now, there are those who take the brute’s way, but I prefer a gentler approach—the right pressure applied at the right moment, in the right place. It’s a delicate thing.
“Do you always speak in metaphors, Mister Brekker?”
Kaz smiled. “It’s not a metaphor.”

Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Inej Ghafa

I tell you something…that girl has got a heart of gold…I absolutely love this young lady. I find her personality amazing. She is just ‘living’ proof that you don’t have to enjoy killing and have the ‘bad girl’ portray in order to be badass (thank you Miss Leigh for giving us characters like The Crows…). The way she believes in herself and how she cares for the others as well. She is so brave and her faith in people and her religion is extraordinary. I wish I knew more about her backstory…but other than that…well…I just find the way she believes that there is always good in people no matter how stained or bloodied they are…just…it just makes her so real. I just find her belief that there is some good left in Kaz really amazing. When you don’t believe in yourself, it is nice to have someone believe in you. Very valuable investment that girl is…Kaz should just be proud of her.

“Speak, she begged silently. Give me a reason to stay. For all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. She wanted to believe he was worth saving, too.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Jesper Fahey


Oh well…I just love Jesper. His sarcastic comments, the way he talked with Wylan, the times he made me laugh and smile in the books…got to admit he is a real softie…He is just totally chaotic to the last degree. He is that sort of person who would do any sort of favours for those he cares for. If Inej was in some kind of trouble, he’d be here. Kaz? Wylan? Nina? Matthias? He would be here for them all. That show-off…him and his flashy guns…he is totally UNRELIABLE and reliable. You know what Jesper, I really love you and all but you’ve got to stop all of those silly detours to gamble your money away. But you could try gambling your talent for showing off here and there because I assure you, it’s just some useless thing but I like my characters a little galant so keep them. Though I’ve got to admit your flirting skills with cute boys are excellent.😏

“Take good care of my babies,” Jesper said as he handed them over to Dirix. “If I see a single scratch or nick on those, I’ll spell forgive me on your chest in bullet holes.”

Leigh Bardugo

Wylan Van Eck

Wylan was the quiet and shy one but I loved his personality. He is the runaway with a privileged past. Abandoned by his father, Jan Van Eck because he couldn’t read and barely escaped being assassinated by his father’s men. The other five wouldn’t have completed there mission with less difficulty if Wylan hadn’t been there. He was the one with a great knowledge in bombs and created them and thus ensured successful diversions. He was this shy person, who rarely talked unless needed, which was very different from the picture Jesper, Matthias or Kaz even showed. He wasn’t the one who would just kill another person in order to get his way.

That quote below just…it just made me realize that I have never had friends that I loved like he loved Matthias, Jesper, Kaz, Inej and Nina. Or maybe that is because I have a much more personal attachment with fictional characters that actual people. And it isn’t something that I’m proud of.

“Until this moment, Wylan hadn’t quite understood how much they meant to him. His father would have sneered at these thugs and thieves, a disgraced soldier, a gambler who couldn’t keep out of the red. But they were his first friends, his only friends, and Wylan knew that even if he’d had his pick of a thousand companions, these would have been the people he chose.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom

Nina Zenik

Nina, a powerful Grisha Heartrender who uses her POWERS to survive in Ketterdam.

One thing I really love about Nina’s personality is how flirty and feminine she is and how she would kill to save Inej or the others. Leigh Bardugo managed to make her a total badass without taking away her feminine side and strong emotions which I just totally respect. She was extremely loyal and despite her squabbling with Matthias here, she was portrayed as someone who was strong and brave and would flirt her way into getting what she wanted. She was that one woman, everyone would want to meet. I don’t know exactly what to write about her but she just blew me away and I am still not sure for what reason.


Stay,” she panted. Tears leaked from her eyes. “Stay till the end.”
“And after,” he said. “And always.”
“I want to feel safe again. I want to go home to Ravka.”
“Then I’ll take you there. We’ll set fire to raisins or whatever you heathens do for fun.”
“Zealot,” she said weakly.
“Nina,” he whispered, “little red bird. Don’t go.”

― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Matthias Helvar

He is that grumpy and grouchy person, I just couldn’t bring myself to dislike…having a characters who just hates everyone and everything and has the brain the size of an oversized pea is actually really refreshing. I don’t know how though…

Other than that, I really did think that the conflict in his mind between his loyalty to his native country and Nina really interesting. As a witch hunter himself, and actually having feelings for a person who is a witch…I just find it extremely interesting how he copes with that conflict. He has his own morals of his own but of course…love ends up wrecking people to the last degree anyway and sometimes it is for the better.

I absolutely adored the love-hate relationship between Nina and Matthias. It wasn’t useless. It made perfect sense and I enjoyed it along the way. I just after finishing the series did I realize how much Matthias grew up on me. I am literally at a lost for words at what to say right now. I am just feeling choked by the need to read all of Leigh Bardugo’s books over again.

Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. “Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”
Brekker’s lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”
“My ghost won’t associate with your ghost,” Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.

― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Other than the characters, the little Ketterdam world-building was perfect. Leigh Bardugo did a great job, not only describing Ketterdam but also making me feel like I was there. The descriptions were extremely rich, I could literally imagine the city right there in my mind. And it wasn’t only the way the city looked that she described. She didn’t miss out anything in description. I am just head-over-heads over books that are absolutely atmospheric and actually feel real.

The plot was hands down just breathtaking. I love the way Leigh Bardugo unveiled it all to me as a reader and it wasn’t just all put down at one moment. It was slow, you have this part, then you discover another. It actually kept me really hooked into the books. I am just absolutely in love with the fact that they are actually doing the job because of the money NOT because their main concern is saving the world.😂 The plot was really rich and actually mostly character driven. I loved how harshly the consequences would have been if something about the characters’ actions would have been different.

I also really appreciate the amazing diversity in the characters in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. You have Kaz, dark haired and eyes(is he Kerch?), Inej, a brown skinned Suli girl, Nina, brown haired and green eyed native Ravkan, Jesper, brown skinned and grey eyed Zemeni, Matthias, a pale blond and blue eyed Fjerdan witch hunter and Wylan, golden haired and blue eyed. I think he is Kerch. Especially the fact that they weren’t whitewashed or given the whatever ideal body type is.

Do we have to talk some more about the characters? Yes. Well, I just dreadfully loved the way they didn’t fit together but did fit together.😂

Oh and we forgot the writing style. I don’t exactly know how to explain this but to me, it was the sort of book I would read, not only for the story and the characters, but also for the simple pleasure of appreciating the writing. I loved the quotes and the way they ran so deep. Sometimes, I just caught myself staring at the words on my phones and just reading them over and over again. The fact that Bardugo wrote each of the characters’ POV in the 3rd person was a really great idea. It made me see the book not through the characters eyes, but WITH the characters next to me. If that even makes sense.

Okay, this is probably the longest review I have ever written…but just suffer a little more and then I’ll be done.😃

Last thing, I’ll read this again next year…that book is definitely worth a read though I don’t think it might just please everyone because of the pace which is quite slow. It is worth it though.

It is really not necessary to read the Shadow and Bone trilogy before this duology but I think you should read the trilogy first. It helps you understand the world more, despite not being set in Ketterdam.

Sorry for making you suffer through such a long post,


Wilder Girls-A Book Review

Hi all people! I really can’t believe almost half of August is gone yet! (I need time-travel powers right now!!). Well, never mind…Today I am posting a review on the second book I have read by Rory Power…bloop! What does bloop mean by the way?

A few days ago my lil’ sister was busy looking at pictures of German Spitz dogs and was dying of cuteness overload. Ugh, really? I probably have to find a book on ”How To Resuscitate People Who Died Of An Overdose Of Cuteness”. I think I managed to bring my sister back to life though because she went to school yesterday and is back to her usual self.

  • Title: Wilder Girls
  • Author: Rory Power
  • Genre: Horror, Mystery, Fiction, LGBT
  • Category: YA
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: July 9th 2019 by Delacorte Press

Source: Goodreads

OMG…the CCOOVVEERR!! EEEEEEE! I love it!!! Especially the green in the background! I have a thing for green because it is one of my favourite colours.

For more than a year, the Raxter School for girls have been put on quarantine. A disease called the Tox has ravaged the whole school. The teachers dropping dead one by one until only a few were left still alive. Then it spread to the students of Raxter, leaving many girls dead while others suffering from weird deformities on their body and flare-ups which can happen anytime leaving you screaming while changes to your body occur, slowly turning you into something that isn’t you anymore.

Their quarantine has been harsh. The Navy promised to find a cure but the food sent is barely enough to satisfy everyone’s hunger. They don’t dare venture beyond the school fence because once the quarantine is broken, they will be left on their own, to die if need be, and no cure will ever be provided.

Hetty has also been affected by the Tox, she is now blind in her right eye and always has the feeling that something that wasn’t supposed to be in her body is occupying her. Hetty has always been a fierce and caring person and when her best friend, Bryatt falls ill and goes missing, she promises to do anything to find her. Anything for her best friend even if it means breaking the quarantine and venturing beyond the school fence.

Hetty will learn many secrets, some devastating, some hopeful, some scary but if there is one thing on her mind right now…it is to find Bryatt, before the Tox or any other mysterious people take her away for good…because once you have the Tox inside of you, it will ravage you and leave you in pieces if it must. The Tox is a disease that doesn’t care whether you die or not, it only takes and takes and takes and leaves you with nothing.

About the Author:

Rory Power
Source of picture: Goodreads

Rory Power lives in New England and works as a crime fiction editor and story consultant for TV adaptation. She writes mostly Young Adult books and is the New York Times Bestselling author of Wilder Girls and Burn Our Bodies Down.

My Ratings: 4.5/5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

This book went way beyond my expectations (considering the fact that I hadn’t read the synopsis before adding it to my Goodreads TBR…).

The characters were full of personality, each so different from the other and enigmatic. Hetty was this character who would do anything for the people she loves. Reese, Hetty’s other best-friend is the one who interested me most. She is that person who pretends to be indifferent when she has this fierce protectiveness of her best-friends (she doesn’t show it). Reese has an interesting past which is mostly dark and mysterious. She has been affected by the Tox in a different way; one of her hands are silver with scales that seem to scare everyone.

Bryatt, I think is the one who is quiet and a little of the ‘thinker’ I assume. I think she is also a punctual person because EVERY morning she and Hetty go out for a short morning walk in the school garden. Because of this awful and mysterious Tox, SHE has grown another spine and I will spare you the teeny-weeny details…

I loved how the mysterious disease was portrayed in the book. It wasn’t just some monotonous illness where everyone falls ill, has some weird fever and just drops dead. It was different in a sense that almost every symptom in every human was different which made the Tox much more interesting to learn about and scary. I tell you this book isn’t for people who don’t stand gruesomeness, blood, weird deformities, abnormally-strong and scary animals like cats with teeth way too long and other scary features (the Tox also affects animals and all the girls of Raxter are trained on how to shoot just in case they come across a affected wild animal)

The plot was great and whatever happened in the book kept me on the edge, always wanting to know more and more. That is Rory’s superpower; she knows how to keep you wanting more and more from the story. This story had me immersed into it completely from the start till the end and if you liked Burn Our Bodies Down by the same author, then this book is definitely for you! I also recommend this to anybody who doesn’t mind creepy things, loves horror and any other book about wormy things, diseases, scaly hands, and you know what else.

If you have read this book…then do tell me what YOU think in the comments down below!

I guess that’s all for today and keep in mind…next review is Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson! I finished this book before yesterday and there is that one character who just can’t leave my mind…well, I will probably tell you all that next time with another post!

Love, Hermione🤍

You Have A Match-A Book Review

Hi all pea-ple and creatures of the great Earth! (What has seriously got into me today?) Well, on Saturday, my little sister and I were having an argument on the way to the pool for our swimming lessons…and you know WHAT!!!

She doesn’t even believe in ghosts, spirits, souls, elves, faeries/fairies, and all these other FASCINATING LIVING THINGS! I mean…it is pretty obvious right…they DO EXIST!! Tell me yes…She doesn’t even believe me when I tell her dragons exist? Infuriating…


Well, let’s get to the review shall we. *heavy breathing*

  • Title: You Have A Match
  • Author: Emma Lord
  • Genre: YA, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance, LGBT
  • Publishing Date/Publisher: January 12th 2021 by Wednesday Books

You Have a Match
Source: Goodreads

Abby has signed up for a DNA service, not really for herself but mostly for her best-friend Leo. Leo and his sister were adopted since they were quite little and Abby thought of giving Leo a little push to take the DNA service and perhaps discover who his biological parents are.

The very last thing Abby wanted is to find out she has a secret sister, only a year and a half older than her, Savannah Tully, an Instagram star. Shocking, that they share Abby’s parents given they both look very similar but so different from each other in their own ways.

The only reasonable thing to do is to meet up at summer-camp and find out some solution on how to explain everything to their parents.(Nor Abby nor Savvy have told their parents about their discovery.)

Ever since the BEI (Big Embarrassing Incident), Leo and Abby have been a little awkward mostly relying on their other bestie, Connie, to help them talk normally.

Lately, Abby has started falling for Leo but she doesn’t want to shatter their friendship and so keeps her feelings for herself. Abby doesn’t realize how complicated her life seems to be, growing feelings for Leo, a secret sister if revealed to her parents might make things much worse for all of them. Growing secrets, growing feelings…but sometimes you have to go for it, even if it looks like the hardest thing because there is always a chance a told-secret might change things for the better.

About the Author:

Emma Lord

Emma Lord is the NYT bestselling author of YOU HAVE A MATCH and TWEET CUTE, a BuzzFeed market editor, and dessert gremlin living in New York City, where she spends whatever time she isn’t writing either running or belting show tunes in community theater. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in psychology and a minor in how to tilt your computer screen so nobody will notice you updating your fan fiction from the back row. She was raised on glitter, a whole lot of love, and copious amounts of grilled cheese.

[Picture and text taken from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 3.5/5

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

I am not sure what to say about this book. Well, it was actually something between ‘I liked it’ and ‘I really liked it’. The problem is that a lot has seemed to have leaked out of my brain…

I should probably talk about the characters first. Abby was a good character, with her issues and happiness and problems and secretly crushing on her best-friend. Avid photographer, daring, adventurous and not-fussy about breaking the rules (even when you don’t know the rules). Leo was an okay character and I wished there was more about him because at the end of the book, I realized I didn’t really know much about him at all.

The character I found the most likable is Finn, my favourite character. He was this funny puppy guy who really cared for Abby (and she really cared for him too). I think the author did a great job creating him, like he was so real. I love him. Really love him. His character itself felt crafted beautifully. He was the one who caught my attention, the second he was introduced to the book. He is certainly special and there is something about him. He has his own family problems and my heart melted all the time he took Abby someplace special, like the Wishing Tree which is haunted by a ghost, so that she could make a wish. Abby’s and Finn’s friendship is really special I could almost see it right there floating through the words.

[Note that the majority of stars come from Finn’s and Abby’s friendship and Finn’s special place in my heart]

[Also note that I am sorry for all inconvenience caused by me for using the word ‘special’ too many times]

Overall, the best thing in the book [in my opinion] is Finn. I found the story quite interesting [umm…I finished the book in a day] and the plot was nice but I wished there were more things happening in the book. I was quite satisfied with the ending actually even though it wasn’t exactly what I wished for but okay.

Well, I guess that is all for today!

So see you next time with another book!

hermione 🖤

P.S. Next review is Wilder Girls by Rory Power! Shh!

When You Were Everything-A Book Review

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? This is a review of a book I read…four days ago I guess…that looks like very long ago😂.

  • Title: When You Were Everything
  • Author: Ashley Woodfolk
  • Genre: Contemporary, Fiction, YA, LGBT, Romance
  • Publication Date/Publisher: March 10th, 2020 by Delacorte Press
Source: Goodreads

Everything started to shatter when another girl heard Layla singing and decided to let her join the Chorus Girls….

Cleo has been living the last month without her best-friend and she has been trying to forget Layla. She has been going to every place in town, saturated with memories of Layla and she has been trying to make new memories over there. The problem is, deciding to erase a person from your life is easier said than done. Cleo has been assigned to tutor Layla and after drifting away from each other, this is the very last thing Cleo wanted.

Lately, Cleo has been making new friends and Dom, a new boy has been catching her attention and she has been developing a fierce crush on him. Unfortunately, memories and the past never fade away….and memories of Layla always come back to haunt Cleo’s mind…

About the Author:

Ashley Woodfolk

Ashley Woodfolk has loved reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She graduated from Rutgers University and worked in children’s book publishing for over a decade. Now a full-time mom and writer, Ashley lives in a sunny Brooklyn apartment with her cute husband, her cuter dog, and the cutest kid in the world. Her books include The Beauty That Remains, When You Were Everything, and the Flyy Girls Series.

[Picture and text taken directly from Goodreads]

My Ratings: 4/5

Rating: 4 out of 5.

My Thoughts:

This book was….a huge collection of feelings. It had everything, sadness, happiness, anger, guilt, regret…

What I liked is that our main character, Cleo also had flaws and it wasn’t only because of Layla that their friendship broke, it was also because of her. It made it more realistic and not the type where it-is-all-your-fault-we-are-not-friends-anymore. I couldn’t love Cleo any more than that. She was such a sad and happy person and at times you can’t help but feel sad yourself.

Layla was a character whom I sometimes hated and at other times, loved. You see, in some ways, you just can’t blame Layla and Cleo isn’t totally innocent either because she also did some bad things towards Layla and vice-versa.

I have never read any book which talks about a perfect friendship which slowly shattered particle by particle until all what is left is dust and you seriously don’t know whether to just throw it away because there is no way to fix it or to keep it all in a jar until you find an impossible way to fix it.

That is, it talks about that other side of a broken-up friendship, not only the anger towards the person but the sadness blended into everything and how you miss a person but in some ways despise that person as well, even if there is no way to bring it back to normal.

At some point in the book, there are moments you may cry but yet manage to hold back the tears so don’t read this book at the dining table for example if you are an emotional person or people might ask you why are you blinking so much. I say it again, this is an emotional book and captures the reality behind every broken friendship out there. The book feels so real as if the book was gifted some emotions for itself.

At the end of the story, I’m not sure if I am happy or sad. The ending was a mixture of both of these feelings. It was beautiful. I’m definitely recommending this book for anyone who wants a light read to cheer you up or to sadden you because this book can do both and I myself haven’t decided if I’m happy or not.

My Favourite Quote:

”You can’t approach your whole life like its a homework assignment, Baby Girl.”

When You Were Everything-Ashley Woodfolk

So see you all until the next time!


P.S. I am going to read The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher next!

Beyond The Ruby Veil-A Book Review

Hi guys! How are you all doing? This book, was read and finished by me in a single day and in one sitting. I just wish it was longer. And the cover is just so beautiful and the roses around the yellow frame looks so romantic but with thorns haha. Aww, it is so lovely! Well, let’s not forget about the review. ;D

Title: Beyond the Ruby Veil

Series: Beyond the Ruby Veil #1

Author: Mara Fitzgerald

Genre: YA Fantasy, LGBT

Publication Date/Publisher: October, 13th 2020/ Little Brown Books for Young Readers

Beyond the Ruby Veil (Beyond the Ruby Veil, #1)
Source: Goodreads

Seventeen-year old, Emanuela Ragno is the stubbornest girl you’ll possibly find. She is about to marry Alessandro Morandi, her childhood best-friend and the heir to the wealthiest house in the city of Occhia.

Emanuela Ragno is a girl with many secrets and her biggest secret is a small red mark on her hip which she has been hiding ever since she was seven when it first appeared. Her mark is an omen which is the sign to surrender yourself to the watercrea, who creates water for the city using the blood. Marks like that are supposed to spread but Emanuela’s mark hasn’t spread for around a decade and she doesn’t care that it is her duty just like everyone to give herself up to the watercrea because she won’t.

During her wedding, the watercrea exposes Emanuela and the omen on her hip and she is brought to the tower, where people with their omens are drained of their blood which the watercrea then turns into water using her magic.

But not for Emanuela, she escapes the tower and runs to Alessandro thinking that he will help her and to her surprise, she learns that her best friend is now married to Valentina.

The watercrea won’t leave Emanuela alone and when she comes to the House of Morandi Emanuela kills her by pushing her off a balcony which was a very wise and equally stupid thing to do because now, Emanuela has to find a way no matter what it takes to get more water before the whole city perishes out of thirst.

About the Author:

Mara Fitzgerald (Author of Beyond the Ruby Veil)
Source of Picture: Goodreads.com

Mara Fitzgerald writes YA fantasy about female characters who ruin everything. She is also a biologist and likes observing insects under a microscope. She now lives near Graceland and her debut YA fantasy is obviously Beyond The Ruby Veil which was published in October 2020.

My Ratings: 3.9/5

Rating: 4 out of 5.

It was a great book and I really liked it but I had a few problems as well. The plot was just incredible and everything happening in the book immediately catches your interest. I am not sure if it is me or the book but it was like I had that feeling everything was happening a little too fast? Emanuela was a bad-ass character but she was a little too self-centered sometimes. And how many TIMESSSSS does she tell Alessandro that he cannot do anything without her and that he won’t even be able to survive if she wasn’t there. Seriously! I say it again the ideas and the plot of the book are amazing and the author has a great imagination but I had those two little problems I mentioned above.

Sometimes, I just wanted to push Emanuela off a very high balcony because she is occasionally very annoying!

Actually, there is a second book (and stupid me for not checking that out and just came to know about it when I finished this book🤦‍♀️) called Into The Midnight Void which is coming out on January 2022 (and I told myself countless times to check that all the books in a duology or series are out before reading the first book….).

BTW, that’s all for today and I guess I have to march off and finally decide which book to read next…(I’m just imagining myself actually marching off to decide a book…😂)

Well, see ya’ll next time!

Love, Hermione💜