Hey all people! Hope all you had a lovely reading month and a very smooth running TBR Train Station! (DoEs A tBr TraIn StaTiOn EveN ExIsT??)

Number of Books I have read: 8

(Congratulations Hermione for reading 8 books! Very proud of you!)That is because I have been going to school this month (only 2 days per week because of Covid and all these things…)! Weeeeeee….

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien

Source: Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A book I am recommending. The whole series actually. It is a book filled with elves, dwarves, hobbits, mountains, magical woods, Dark Lords, magic rings, wizards, WHAT COULD ANYBODY WANT MORE THAN THAT??….I have to read the whole series again someday. I am missing all the characters very much 😦 Go read it but it is a very long book I tell you…

The Two Towers by J.R.R.Tolkien (haven’t reviewed)

The Return of the King by J.R.R Tolkien (haven’t reviewed)

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Source: Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5.

To stop from rambling on about this mysterious, dark, old, emotional, magical, beautiful and gets-me-thinking-way-too-much-about-my-own-life book, I have written it all down at the bottom of this post….you’ll see why…

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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Source: Goodreads

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA!! YOUR BOOKS ARE BREATHTAKING AND PLEASE PLEASE WRITE ANOTHER GOTHIC HORROR FICTION NOVEL NEXT TIME! Yah, she’s extremely talented in writing these types of books…she definitely knows how to set up the right atmosphere and feels. A book I greatly recommend for horror fans!

WAIT! I just remembered something….how many of you know Taylor Swift’s music videos of Willow and Cardigan? If you have watched it, you definitely know about the magical golden dust…in Mexican Gothic, you also have a sort of golden dust mentioned (sorry, spoil kingdom is coming if I mention more.) HOW DID I REALISE THAT RIGHT NOW AND NOT BEFORE??

When You Were Everything by Ashley Woodfolk

Source: Goodreads

Rating: 4 out of 5.

A book about a slowly shattering friendship. Like a mirror splintered into a million pieces and carried away by the wind…Just thinking about this book makes me feel… I am not sure anymore but this book is a sea of deep emotions. Go read this if you don’t mind emotions overwhelming you. OMG, my throat is constricting, don’t tell me I am getting teary-eyed…

The Hollow Places by T.Kingfisher

The Hollow Places
Source: Goodreads

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Emmmm….it was an okay (meh) book.

Made in Korea by Sarah Suk

Source: Goodreads

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

If you are sad right now (or pretending to be sad) this book is definitely for YOU!! It isn’t a sad book at all. It has the power of cheering people up!!!

♡♡♡ Best Book of the Month: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue ♡♡♡

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Source: Goodreads

If you haven’t yet read this book and it is on your TBR…THEN WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH ARE YOU WAITING FOR????

This book, can’t stop amazing me. It is unique, and has a pure magic of its own. The writing and the way V.E. Schwab wrote that book…I swear she gave the book half of her heart. It doesn’t have to be read only for the story but for the words, the sentences, the paragraphs. Definitely recommending this to anyone. GO READ THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW if it is on your TBR of course. It surely deserves all the hype it gets. If I don’t stop talking right now, I’ll be ranting on and on about the book…but do check out my rambles review here.

Other Posts:

What I Plan To Read Next:

[Source of picture: Goodreads]

I am FINALLY reading this book! Sequel to The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning!!

Posts Coming Up:

  • Book reviews of course!
  • I have a Sunshine Blogger Award post coming up soon!
  • (and probably if I get some weird idea and decide to post it!)

I think that is finally all! Hope you’ve enjoyed this post and do stick around for more!


P.S….What are you guys planning to read??

5 thoughts on “Wrap Up #July2021

  1. What a great selection of books.. it sure looks like you’ve been busy! And Mexican Gothic and Addie Larue are must-reads for me.. I just haven’t had a chance to read them yet.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    Liked by 1 person

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